Announcing HelpYouFind.Me May 4, 2021

We're pretty excited to announce HelpYouFind.Me and that it's finally open to the public. We've been working on this for some time now and we're excited to share it with you.

What is HelpYouFindMe? #

Essentially, HelpYouFindMe (HYFM) is a secure storage for sensitive information that can be shared, with rules, with specific people of your choosing. All private data is end-to-end encrypted meaning only you, and your intended recipient can read or access it. And for the person who you've shared your private data with to be able to access that data, they have to follow the rules set.

Think of it as a secure "if I go missing" file - as a service. You control who can access it and what conditions they have to meet in order to even be provided access.

All of your private data is stored in it's already encrypted form. Not even we can access it. It's impossible.

How does the end-to-end encryption work? #

We use a tried and true, and common, technology of public and private keys to secure your data. Any data encrypted for you (either your own private data or private data of others who have shared it with you) will be encrypted using your public key. Then you use your private key to decrypt the data. Your private key is the only thing that can encrypt this data. On top of that, your private key is also encrypted and only your password can decrypt it.

All of this encryption happens on your computer in your web browser. This is why we are unable to access your data because your private key password is never sent to our systems thus making it impossible for us to decrypt your private key and your private data. Please see the how it works page for some more details on the sharing process.

The encryption is done via the WebCrypto API that is built into all modern web browsers. So if you're using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, or many others, this encryption ability is built into your web browser.

This is fairly technical and is discussed further in the FAQ.

What else does HYFM do? #

Quite a bit actually. Here are the core features that currently are supported:

  • Two-Factor Authentication for added security to your account.
  • Integration with our secure Telegram bot to update your HYFM account via your mobile phone - as easy as sending a "text message".
  • Ability to update your live location on demand.
  • Upload photos or other images (for example, screenshots of your uber driver, etc.) for your circle to see.
  • Post written updates to keep your loved ones in the know on your activities.
  • Post full travel itineraries, including hotel or airbnb information and full flight details.
  • Subscribe to updates of specific people who share with you.
  • Notification settings for both system wide and individual subscription specifically.
  • Integrate with NomadList to auto add trips to your HYFM account.

Who is HYFM for? #

The core use of this product is something that we hope you and your loved ones never have to use. The idea is that you provide the people you love and trust with very sensitive information for use in emergencies. If you were to go missing, this information can be crucial to solving the mystery and leading to a happy result.

If you were suddenly died this can be useful to give your family instructions and access to accounts, etc. that need to be handled in that case. It's just an extra bit of help for the people you care the most about.

That said, there are a few profiles that we think are very well suited for HYFM:

  • Families with teenage children.
  • College students and their families.
  • Families who live far apart from each other.
  • People who are nearing the end of their life and want to leave specific plans in place.
  • Nomads, vagabonds and avid travelers.
  • Adults who want to leave behind information for their loved ones should an emergency occur.

Try HelpYouFind.Me #

It's free to try out HYFM and there is no credit card required to start your trial account. So there's no excuse not to check it out. See how it feels to live with a little bit of extra peace of mind.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns. You can use the support form or email [][email].

[email]: ""

Written by
Peter Sanchez

Peter Sanchez

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