5 essential tips for Solo Female Travelers by Ruth Millington, award-winning author and travel writer March 23, 2023

Traveling alone can be a daunting experience, but with the right mindset and precautions, you can travel wherever your heart desires - and return home safely. If you're a Solo Female Traveler, you've probably heard all the advice about being safe and ensuring you're prepared.

But what about when you're on the road? What if an emergency arises and you have no clue what to do next? Sometimes there’s no such thing as being “too ready."

You might want to read: How to Choose The Right Destination as a Solo Female Traveler

We asked award-winning author and speaker Ruth Millington, who’s also the creator and host of Ruth Millington’s Extreme Holidays Podcast, (where she shares extreme, life-changing stories from avid travelers, as a survivor and heroine of the 2003 Bam earthquake in Iran), for her top 5 essential tips as a Solo Female Traveler.

She shares them with us today as part of our “Go Solo, Go Far, Go Safe” campaign honoring women’s freedom and their right to move freely and widely. Watch the video below to learn more about her own perspective on essential tips for all women embarking on solo travel.

Visit Ruth's website right here, and listen to her podcast on your favorite streaming platform!

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Written by
Adriana Lopez

Adriana Lopez

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