We've added Files support and subscription notifications November 8, 2021

One important part of an "If I Go Missing" file is the ability to include important documents like recent photos, last will and testament, life insurance policies, import contracts, etc. Previously you couldn't store those in HelpYouFind.Me. Well, now you can!

My Files in private data
My Files in private data

We added a way to securely store your important files, documents, pictures, images, etc. in your HelpYouFind.Me account and they will be included in your private data. This means they are also end-to-end encrypted and only accessible by you and those you choose to share it with.

It's a breeze to add or manage your files. Access them by doing the following:

  1. Simply head to your account
  2. Click the "My Private Data" link on the left menu
  3. Enter your encryption password
  4. Click the "My Files" Tab
  5. You can add new files, remove existing files, etc. from here.

For more in depth instructions, please see the private data help page.

Subscriptions - be notified when friends post an update #

We also added a new feature that we felt was important. You can subscribe to specific friends who have shared their updates with you and be notified on a schedule you set. Each friend subscription can have their own schedule.

For instance, for your spouse you can have immediate notifications. For your brother you can be updated hourly. For your best friend you can receive them daily (at whatever time you prefer).

Click the bell to subscribe
Click the bell to subscribe

To subscribe to a friend, simply find any update of theirs and click the little "bell" icon in the lower left hand corner of their update. See image above.

To manage your subscriptions, head to your Account Preferences and scroll to the subscriptions section. See the image above for an idea of how it looks and is managed. As you can see, it's quite easy.

We're hard at work building out this product to help make everyone a little bit safer. Please let us know about anything you like, dislike, or would like to see built into the platform. We appreciate all feedback!

Written by
Peter Sanchez

Peter Sanchez

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